

Fixed issue with pasting multiple triggers from clipboard.


  • Fixed issues with executing Java Script scripts.
  • Fixed issue with loading local files into floating web view.
  • Slightly improvbed window switcher (ventura only) selection.
  • Improvements for the floating web view action.
  • Right-clicking a trigger in BTT now allows to convert it's actions to a "Named Trigger".
  • New parameter "parent_uuid" for the add_new_trigger function (to add the trigger to an existing group).
  • New function cancel_delayed_named_trigger_execution.
  • New parameter "delay" for the trigger_named_async_without_response function.
  • New function "delete_triggers" to delete multiple triggers configured in BTT.
  • New function "get_triggers" to retrieve multiple triggers configured in BTT.
  • Small additions to the BTT scripting functionality:.
  • bettertouchtool

    Option to hide preview popover for window switcher.Added "Dynamic Variables" (in Automations, Named & Other Triggers section), they can be used like any other variable in BTT, but they determine their value by running some Java Script / Apple Script / Shell Script.Added "Haptic Feedback" option for Window Snapping (off by default).Added "Move Mouse To Left Edge", "Move Mouse To Right Edge", "Move Mouse Away From Left Edge" and "Move Mouse Away From Right Edge" as new triggers to the "Automations, Named & Other Triggers" section.First post is about BetterTouchTool and how you can use it to work with ChatGPT: Changelog: Note: I'm starting to post tutorials on (non-obvious) things you can do with BetterTouchTool on my blog.
