The standard engine was, of course, the mighty slant-six. In `65, the advantages grew to include an optional small block V-8 engine to muscle around town with. The nose was flat, with the engine placed between the driver and passenger, who sat above the front axle. The range included a pickup truck and van, both with a "forward control" design. When compared with the rear-engined competition of VW and GM, the A-100's proved to be more versatile. One was the A-100's totally flat cargo floor, capable of handling all kinds of loads. In 1964 when Dodge introduced the A-100 line of forward control vehicles, they had many advantages over the competition. CAR EMBLEMS EU & Japan Brands - Car Emblems.APPAREL Special Vehicle Apparel & Accessories.BEST SELLING Evolution Flying Tools Beer does the Body Good! No Speed Limit BBQ with Wheels.CARS Bill Thomas Cheetah Delorean DMC Hummer H1 International Scout Nash Motors Meyers Manx Scarab Shelby American Studebaker - Racing Cars Police Cars Military Vehicles Hot Rods Movie Cars Kit & Replica Cars