Production Master created the most complete hardstyle / raw style pack you ever got your hands on! The recordings in this sample pack have been made with various soft and hardware such as the Access Virus TI, Arturia Minibrute, Roland TR-909, and NI Maschine.

Imagine a library of over 100 Xfer Serum presets, Drum Loops, Drum samples, Music Loops, FX, MIDI files and more than 850 MB of sample content… This is exactly what you can expect of “Newbreed Hardstyle”. Inspired by artists such as Atmozfears, Adrenalize, Noisecontrollers, Psyko Punkz, Coone, Headhunterz, DJ Korsakoff, Bass Modulators, The Prophet, Keltek, Sub Zero Project etc. The song here in my soundcloud has numerous pieces, the vocal samples, and the drums in here are all from the pack.if anyone knows where to get this pack again please share it with me! I'd really appreciate it.If you like to party on massive hardstyle and hardcore mega-raves such as Qlimax, Reverze, Defqon.1, Q-Dance… and music from labels such as Scantraxx, Dirty Workz, Blackout Records, Monstercat etc., then the Newbreed Hardstyle sound pack will bring out the beast in you! It had numerous hardstyle kicks, as well as just hard kicks, hats, snares, and claps, it came with a bunch of FX, and vocal samples. It was one of those obscure sample websites, and it was free. It was a hardstyle sample pack, it wasn't from lucid. Afterwards, I decided to factory reset my old computer, and now it's all gone. Well, unfortunately, I've swapped over to a new computer, and lost that sample pack in my excitement I forgot to swap it over to a thumb drive. I'd sample through some of the drum samples in this pack, and I'd find just that right kick, hat, or snare to give it that lift. If I ran into writers block, or didn't feel it the song had enough "oomph" like something was missing, that crisp open hat, or that hard kick. I had one sample pack, that was always my go to. So while still experimenting with different styles and genres, anything from Hardstyle, to Dubstep, Ambient to now Acid.

So, I've had FL maybe 2 years, and when I first got it, my friend suggested me to get sample packs.